
Merry Christmas

We just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Woof woof!


Krista said...

Merry Christmas to you too!

I love the looks on the dogs' faces. Are they waiting for a biscuit?

MomofK9s said...

OF COURSE THEY ARE!!! They would never stare so lovingly at me without a biscuit! :-)

Catz said...

Awww... that is so cute! Lucy says Merry Christmas to you guys as well. She is going out to have fun in the snow before it rains!

Melanie said...

Your dogs are so cute! Hope you had a great Christmas! See ya on Monday :)

Catz said...

Hey what on earth are Aquasaurs? You thought of me over the holidays and made me something??? You are too special. I am very touched by that! We will have to figure a way to put up an e-mail addy that no one else can see....hmmmmm

Catz said...

Hey check my profile for the next day or two! :))

Catz said...

Hey are you still watching those Aquasaurs or did they eat you? *lol*
Have a great New Year my friend and when you get the chance check my profile for an addy you can contact me on! Cheers!

spotts said...

Very cute pups. Dogs and Christmas - you got to love it! Check out my dogs on my blog.
Happy New Year