
Why me?

I can’t remember if I have written about this before but for some reason this happens to me a lot. Me, finding animals that need my help. My mom says it is because St. Francis knows that I will know how to take care of the situation. Maybe. I don’t know but I was on my way home from church yesterday morning, when I saw a deer on the side of the road. And as I drove by she lifted her head and looked at me. I was taken aback and found a place to turn around. As I passed her again looking for a safe place to pull over she turned and looked at me again. I could tell she was small and not very old. She didn’t have spots but she was small. So I called Piedmont Wildlife Center- they help rehab native NC species. Anyway they told me that if she was injured (she was-looked like a compound fracture of her back leg) there was nothing that could be done but to end her misery. She gave me the number to call for the county I live in. So I called. They said they would send someone and that I did not need to stay. Well, I couldn’t just leave her in the cold drizzle. So I stayed. I kept a few feet away and just made sure that nothing else would happen to her. A neighbor lady came out and stayed with me as I cried. Interestingly, she is a small mammal rehabber. So we talked and wait. And then the Sheriff’s department came. I felt really bad for the officer because he took one look at me and I could tell thought “Oh, great a crier, now I am going to have to explain what has to be done”. But he was always nice and I knew what was going to happen anyway. We ended up talking to a deer rehabber that said there really was nothing to be done, except end her suffering. At least I know that we had exhausted every avenue. So the deer rehabber talked to the sheriff to make sure he knew how to end it immediately. I heard him say that he had only had to do this a time or two. Ok what a completely sucky part of his job. But, I knew that I couldn’t stay for the act. That is the coward in me. The nice lady said she would stay and told me to go. We hugged and I left. But I can’t stop seeing her cute little deer face.

There is a reason for this story. And here it is. (And I will warn you, I am getting on top of the soap box) First, I did not hit this deer. Someone else did. And now I had to “clean up” their mess. Let me re-phrase that, I didn’t HAVE to, however I am a responsible adult. I had to do something. I could not let her suffer. How can you hit something and just drive off? I know that sometimes the deer run off and you can’t find them. I get that. This little girl was right there. And I could tell that was where it happened. I also understand that some people really just don’t know how to handle it. I get that too. But you can always call the police and report it. Actually you can call 911 and they will help you. I also know that some just don’t care. Which I won’t even go into how I feel about THOSE people. So, here is my PSA for today.

In your car, have a list of important numbers: Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, High Patrol and Animal Control. In the age of the internet, these are so easy to find and it might take you 10 minutes if that. If you hit an animal, find a place to safely pull over. If you can, get out and assess the situation; see if the animal is still alive. Do so very carefully. Injured animals can be dangerous. If it is still alive, call one of the numbers on your list. They will send someone. In fact, if the animal is still alive and you do nothing you can endanger the lives of other motorists. If you are going to drive, you need to be responsible for what you do.

Ok, so I am off my soap box. I had a lot more to say but honestly, thinking about the whole thing just makes me want to cry again.

So, little deer, I am so sorry that something so terrible happened to you. I hope you knew that I was there to help you and that I cared. I also hope that I was able to help you stop suffering and also to realize that most humans are good. I am sure St. Francis is helping you settle in up there. I hope you are running and eating lots of good grasses.

Oh, and Saint Francis, if you are able, could you send me some HAPPY animal situations to deal with? Thanks! Your loving servant, A

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