
In every life a tear must fall

I am a cryer. I can cry at the drop of a hat. I guess it is because I have a sensitive nature. I cry over the Pedigree "Help us help dogs" comercials, I cry when someone else is crying, I cry when a classmate is mean to my 6 year old niece, I cry at movies, I cry when I read a good book, I cry when one of my dogs is hurt or sick. So I think you get my point; I am an accomplished cryer. Now that is not to say I am a "faker". I guess I am easily moved to tears. I am usually a silent cryer. Lots of tears and not a lot of noise. I am not one of the those "boo hoo hoo" ers

Today I watched one of my all time favorite movies "Sense & Sensibility (yes, I am still on the Jane Austen thing). There is a scene almost at the end of the movie where Edward Farris (Hugh Grant) comes to tell Elinor (Emma Thompson) that he loves her-he did not marry that icky Miss Steel, his heart belongs now and always to. That is all I need to turn on the water works. But, Emma Thompson as Elinor Dashwood has the best cry I have ever seen. It is so...real. I mean I know she is an actress and all but it is absolutely perfect. So if you want to see or need a good cry go rent Sense & Sensibility.


Catz said...

Well I don't know about tears, but you do deserve an award. So I passed one on to you. Check it out!

Krista said...

I love that moment too! She's not at all graceful about crying, if you know what I mean, so it seems very real.