
A Hotel for Dogs?

There is a new movie coming out next Friday called Hotel for Dogs. It is about a brother and sister who are in foster care and are not allowed to bring their dog Friday to their new home. So, they find an abandon hotel and make it in to a home for Friday and as many stray dogs as they can find around the city. This is totally something that I would have liked to have done! Except I am not smart enough to make all the gadgets the kids make. I was looking forward to taking my nieces to see this movie and then I came across this:


And now I am so EXCITED to take them! The Pedigree Foundation has done a lot to bring to light the plight of homeless dogs in this country. With their commercials (seriously, just thinking about the commercials make me cry…) and the money that is donated through their foundation, they have done so much to help homeless pets. Now, with every ticket to the movie that is purchased, Pedigree will make a donation up to $250,000. I think that is just amazing. Seriously, I really don’t have the extra money to be going to the movies but this is definitely an exception that I have to make! Even if the movie is dumb (which I highly doubt) I will be happy to have gone. I sort of feel like it is me giving my support to this cause-finding homes for homeless animals. And anyone who reads this blog knows how I feel about that!

You go Pedigree! (I wish I could feed my dogs your dog food but they are allergic to corn! Sorry!)

1 comment:

Treasures By Brenda said...

Sounds like a good movie; I hope you and your niece are not disappointed. You might enjoy looking at the information about how the movie was made at Hotel For Dogs. There are also some great links on my page including one to a quiz which will tell you which type of dog you are...
