
The Tax Man

So, I am a little annoyed. At whom you ask? Well it is the NC Department of Revenue.
I filed my tax return back in February and I have not received my refund yet. I received my Federal refund in a few days. But, it appears that the state is having financial difficulties-just like the rest of us. Only unlike the rest of us, they can defer paying me my tax refund until June of this year without having to pay me interest. I guess my problem is this: it is my money. They have held on to it all year and now I need it. I have bills to pay, dogs to feed, food to buy. Don’t get me wrong, I am fine paying taxes. But when I pay more than my share I expect my refund in a timely manner. A month is not timely to me especially when you consider that the Federal Government has WAY MORE refunds to issue and they did it with no problem. So, I sit here and wait. And wait…

1 comment:

Krista said...

That sucks!