
Worry Wart

So I am an overachiever when it comes to worrying. I mean I am an expert at it – which is why this weekend was a marathon for me.

I found fleas on 2 of my dogs last Wednesday. I can not tolerate fleas. Not even one. They disturb me. So I have been vacuuming 3 times per day, pouring Borax powder all over the carpets and then vacuuming it up, washing all of the throw rugs, and dog beds and sheets, constantly checking the dogs for fleas, put Frontline on them as well as gave them a new pill called Capstar which kills all adult fleas on the dog. Now for most people, this would suffice. But not me. Instead, I am online researching flea infestations and what can you do to prevent them and then if you have one what can you do to stop it.

I am exhausted and worried. I mean sometimes the internet is detrimental to my psyche.

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