
The Birthday List

I know it seems a bit early for this because my birthday is 3 weeks away, BUT I have actually had an inquiry or two about what I wanted/needed so I thought I would make one list, post it and that would be it! I have to say that I do feel a little weird posting things that I want for my birthday because except for my parents and grandma, I really don’t expect people to get me stuff. I really appreciate it and it always touches me that people think enough of me to get me something but I feel lucky just to have my friends and family! But for those of you who wanted a list, here it is:

Gift cards for Old Navy, Pet Smart, Petco, Target or Wal-Mart. I always need dog stuff, basic clothes for work or food so these would be great! :-)

*An Individual Membership to the NC Zoo. (I love the zoo and would be there every weekend if I could!) Thanks to Michelle F who got me this already! You are awesome! The Red Wolves and Polar Bears will be completely sick of seeing me! :-)

Adopt a Polar Bear, Black Bear or Wolf in my name from Defenders of Wildlife. (www.defenders.org)

An individual membership to the International Wolf Center (http://www.wolf.org/wolves/shop/shop.asp?cat_id=10)

A gift card for Archiver’s (a scrapbook store.) I am hoping to take some workshops there and get some scrapbooks finished!

The book: Homeopathic Medicine for Dogs: A Handbook for Vets and Pet Owners by Hans Wolff (It is available on Amazon)

Postage stamps. I mail a lot of cards :-) and bills :-( !

New pillows for my bed. They actual have stomach sleeper ones (that’s me!)

These bags:
I want to stop getting the plastic ones from stores.

Anything that anyone wants to give me!

Thanks ahead of time!

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