
Happy Birthday Chloe!

Happy Birthday Chloe! You are 11 today! I can't believe it has been 11 years since you were rescued from that awful dumpster by Mrs. Shell. I will never forget the first time I saw you, running to hide under the deck. You have brought so much happiness to my life. You are such a good girl and I love you.

To me, you are the perfect example of what a dog should be, happy, sweet, loving, loyal and good natured. You always know what I need, a snuggle, or a laugh. You can make the cutest faces and silliest sounds. You are such a good sport when I have you groomed. You are always waiting at the door for me when I come home and always willing to keep me company in what ever I am doing. We love you Chloe! Mommy, Bunnie and Otto.

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