
" You gotta have friends"

Have you ever had one of those of days when you wake up and you know that you should stay in bed, you should call in sick and go back to bed. But then you talk yourself in to going to work. You are a responsible adult, and responsible adults go to work. So I did. MISTAKE! And I knew it the moment I walked in. I don't know how I knew, I just did. I did not know what it was going to be, but I knew it was just waiting...And then it happened. BOOM! And it was not good. Not good at all. But, there was one saving grace for me. My friends. I won't name them by name but they know who they are. And I just want to thank them. Thanks J for calling me tonight (from out of town) because you wanted to make sure that I was ok. Thanks A for letting me go to pieces, giving me good advice, and offering your shoulder. Thanks M for offering me a haven to go to if I needed to. And thanks to W for not "throwing me under the bus". And JJK, I know I haven't told you the whole saga yet, but I will and I know you will be right there for me and completely outraged on my behalf. Thanks. I don't know what I did to deserve such friends, but I am glad I have you. It is good to have friends.


Melanie said...

Friends get you through life - the good and the bad! I'm glad that we're friends and you are always welcome to hang out at the casa any 'ole time - on good days or bad!


Melanie said...

Actually, what I meant to say is that friends get you through the good and bad times in life, not that good and bad friends get you through life - bad friends are just bad :)

MomofK9s said...

Yes, bad friends are just bad! Melanie, thanks for being one of the good ones!