I received an email from one of the animal/environmental organizations that I donate to. It was about the decline in the moose population of Minnesota. In 1985, as many as 4,000 moose roamed the woods and grasslands of northwestern Minnesota. By 2003, the number is 237. Scientists believe that is due to higher temperatures due to global warming. Average winter temperatures in northwestern Minnesota have climbed 12 degrees F during the past 40 years. These warmer temperatures have stressed the moose, making them less healthy and more vulnerable to parasites. If temperatures remain high, moose in Minnesota will disappear altogether.
Weighing nearly 1,000 pounds and standing 6 feet tall, moose are majestic symbols of wilderness in many parts of the country. I am sad to think that one of my dreams to see them in the wild one day won't come true. We have to do something and do it now before it is too late.
There are many people who don't believe in global warming (Rush Limbaugh is one-idiot) and think it is something environmentalists have made up. It is isn't. And we all have to do our part. There are a lot of organizations with websites about how to help stop global warming. Next time you are surfing the net, look at a few. Even very small things will help. Please think about it. I know I do every day. The moose, polar bears and song birds that are on the brink of disapearing will appreciate it. And so would Mother Earth. And so would I.
Amy, you know I love you, but I couldn't help by voice my opinion on global warming. While I believe there may be a slight warming trend right now, I don't believe it's caused by man. Warming and cooling of the Earth is caused by the tilt of our planet, and the solar intensity based upon that tilt. In the 1970's scientists were concerned about a cooling trend, but you don't hear the liberal media talking about that. And right now, Mars is currently on a warming trend, yet there is no life on Mars. I find it hard to believe that our SUVs and cans of hairspray are affecting another planet's atmosphere. According to the EPA's website, our climate has been relatively stable for the past 2,000 years. I'm not discounting global temperature changes, or other changes in our environment. I believe humans can make positive impacts on our Earth. I'm just tired of the media and liberal Hollywood equating conservatives with being stupid or ignorant. We're not ignorant - we just choose to not be spoon fed our beliefs from CNN or Al Gore.
Thanks Melanie! I also love you and you have a right to your opinion. And I respect that. If there weren't differing ideas the world would be a boring place!
Let me say that I don't think all conservatives are ignorant or stupid or anti-enviroment. But I do have a strong opinoin/dislike about Rush. Sorry but I do. I think he does a lot to hurt both sides.
And I do not choose to be spoon fed my beliefs but I have tried to research the wild and domestic animal causes I believe in for the past 11 to 12 years now.
You are free to post your opinion any time here! That is how we learn. I appreciate it! Thanks! :-)
Thanks Amy! I was afraid after I posted my comment that it sounded too harsh (it was a little soap-boxy on second reading). I try to watch the news on a regular basis and I just get so frustrated sometimes at how skewed the mainstream media is (this could be an entire discussion all together). I'm thrilled for example that the bald head eagle recently came off the endangered species list! But, you hear one blip about that on the news, and then you hear hour after hour after hour about all the bad stuff humans do. Give us a little credit!
Anyways, I hope that in no way you think that I am against our planet, wildlife, our environment or the general health and well-being of the human race. And I appreciate the fact that you are much more informed that I am about the state of our wildlife and the environment. I think we are making great strides in keeping our planet healthy, and I hope that continues (I want my kids to live a strong and healthy life), and I want to be apart of that. I just wish there were more opinions in our mainstream media on issues such as the environment, the war, immigration, etc. and all the popular political buzz words and phrases that are thrown around these days.
PS - I totally agree with you on Rush. I think he's an idiot and lost his crediability a long time ago.
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