
My latest "weirdness"

Ok. This is going to sound weird but my new obsession is my lawn. First let me say that I hate mowing the grass. I also don't water it. So it has brown sections but that is not what I obsess over. It is how short it is and what pattern has been used while cutting it. Diagonal? Square? Strait Lines? Sometimes I will cut it twice just to make sure that I got it all and that when I stand on the deck, I can see that the rows are even. For those of you that know me at all, you know I am not a stickler for neatness: meaning, I don't care if the papers on my desk are perfectly stacked or the towels in my bathroom are hanging straight and folded perfectly. But the grass MUST HAVE AN EVEN, STRAIGHT PATTERN. Am I the only one like that?

1 comment:

Krista said...

I have to say this is nothing that I have ever thought about!