
Bah Humbug?

I have a problem. A big one. I am totally not in to Christmas this year. Now this is seriously a big deal for me. I love Christmas. At least I always have until this year. Even during the disaster year of 2004 I loved Christmas. This year I am just not in to it. I have not enjoyed shopping like I usually do, I have not enjoyed wrapping like I usually do and I am not even doing Christmas cards for everyone at work like I usually do. I don’t even want to put up my Christmas tree! Oh horrors!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!? I hate feeling like this.

Maybe it is because part of my family won’t be here for Christmas and that really makes me sad. I will miss the crinkle cookies that my sister-in-law makes and I will my nieces running around. I know they will be having a great time but I will miss them. All 4 of them.

Maybe it is because I bought a Bah Humbug shirt with Oscar the Grouch on it this weekend.

Maybe it is because I don’t have a lot of money and I don’t feel good about the kind of presents I can afford.

Maybe I will get the Christmas spirit on December 1st.

Maybe it will just hit me all of a sudden.

I hope so because it makes me sad. And no one wants to be sad for Christmas. Maybe I will start a list of all the things I LOVE about Christmas. Maybe that will help. Maybe I will do it tomorrow…


Krista said...

Start listening to Christmas music...that always helps me.

And I will make you some crinkle cookies anyway!

Catz said...

You know some of the best Christmas presents I have gotten have been things that people did for me or made for me. So don't worry about what you can buy for Christmas.Show some one that great big heart you have. You can come and spend time at my house for Christmas. No kids but lots of animals.

MomofK9s said...

catz-i may have to come and visit just to see the famous Lucy!!

Catz said...

You are welcome any time girl! And Miss Lucy will be happy to show you around the canyon and the bog!