
Well, I have been sitting here for 2 weeks trying to figure out what to write. And since nothing is posted, clearly nothing has come to mind. So here are some random thoughts that I have been having:

*Do you remember when as a kid you thought 38 was EXTREMELY old? I mean you might as well be in a retirement home old? I am turning 38 in a few days and I don’t feel old. Well my knees feel old but you know what I mean. When did my idea of what old was change?

*Why does the NC DOT think it is ok to completely mess up the immediate area that I live in to put in a bypass? Now don’t get me wrong. I understand progress, even if I don’t agree with it but they clearly gave no thought about the people who have to live near it. And I am really lucky because it isn’t in my back yard. Instead, they are going to permanently close my street to thru traffic (which is great) but only leaving us with one way to get anywhere (not great at all). Seriously the saying “having to go around your ass to get to your elbow” really applies here.

*I want to give a shout out to the guy who gave me the finger yesterday on the way to work. I was going straight and he was turning left. Evidently because I did not hit the gas and take off at breakneck speed, he thought it was cool to give me the finger as he was turning in front of me. Dude, you need to lighten up. And I hope you noticed that I slowed down to let you turn in front of me so I didn’t hit you and mess up your day. I hope that made you feel better…jerk. Ok that made me feel better!

*Can you ever have too many t-shirts? I think I am there but not sure. Should I throw the “holey” ones out? I have a weird attachment to the holey t-shirts.
Should I really have driven 10 miles to spend my last $4 on milk chocolate malted milk balls at Fresh Market?

*Can I take a nap now? It is 8:46 a.m. and I have been at work for 46 minutes.

1 comment:

Catz said...

Yes I remember when I was a kid and I thought 25 was old let alone 40 or 50 that was ancient!
There are jerks everywhere apparently!
City Progress seems to take strange shapes and forms doesn't it?
Yes you can have too many t-shirts, but if you are attached to the ones with the holes keep them.
Of course you should have spent your last 4 bucks on malted milk balls. You only go around once in this world so you might as well enjoy it. How far was that 4 bucks going to go anyhow.
