
Nerd with a capital N

As I sit here listening to my MP3 player, it dawns on me just how much of a "nerd" I really am. I mean who just LOVES to listen to John Denver's Annie's Song or Rick Springfield's Human Touch? Well, I do! And I feel there are other signs as well. Here are a few:

I only like to use pens that write a certain way. And if they don't, they go to the big pen grave yard. (Ok, really a great big tin bucket. Anyone need a pen?)

I get teary every single time I hear "God Bless America"or "The Gift".

I have to sleep with wrist braces at night because of carpal tunnel. Hey, at least it isn't head gear!

When I mow the grass, I have to wear a hat, long pants and if it isn't 100 degrees a long sleeve shirt. Why? Because if a tree branch, bug, anything touches my hair, arm, leg etc; I have to shower immediately.

I have 3 stuffed animals on my bed right now. I KNOW!! I know what you are going to say, you don't need to tell me!

I love to watch PBS. and not just Masterpiece theater but Nature and Painting with Bob Ross ("OK, lets put a happy tree right here by this big strong mountain").

I collect Children's Books. That is quite the hobby to get the gentlemen calling!:-)

When walking down a sidewalk or walkway I won't step on any cracks or lines. You know in case it "breaks my mother's back or father's spine" Who thought that up and told it to little kids any way?

I sleep with a pair of scissors next to my bed. You know, in case the monster under my bed decides to come out.

I have a scrapbook with an example of every card I have ever sent out at Chritmas for the last 15 years or so..

Oh and the posts on this blog.

So, for the four people that read this, "Welcome to Nerdville. Population, ME!"


Krista said...

I don't step on cracks either. And I told Mallory the rhyme the other day and immediately regretted it! She didn't seem to bothered by the idea of breaking my back though. Go figure.

I have to be completely covered up in bed, even when it's really hot. You know. Because the robbers are less likely to get me if I'm all covered up.

teamaldrich said...

I'm a nerd too! Wanna go see MAMA MIA? xo, Michelle