
Pieces of Flair

If you are on Facebook than you know all about Pieces of Flair. They are little "buttons" that you can send to a friend for their "bulletin board" or put on your own "bulletin board". Some of them are completely disgusting and obnoxious but for the most part they crack me up. There are hundreds and hundreds to choose from and I could literlly spend hours looking through them. There are political ones. love ones. friend ones, Cookie Monster ones, I mean seriously, if you can think of it, someone has probably made a piece of flair of it. Maybe next week I will post my favorite pieces of flair. Hey, Facebook, is that cool with you?

Oh, and Monster, thanks for sending me my first pieces of flair! You rock! And I got you a Batman Happy Meal toy tonight. Another damn Penquin mobile thing, but hey, I tried!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Thanks for passing the joy of flair on to me! :D