
One of THOSE Days

Today was "one of those days" for me.

It started at 4:45 a.m. when I woke up to go pet sit and could not find my flashlight that I needed to walk across the street to the house.

Then when I tried to get dressed everything I put on was wrong; ie, to warm, not warm enough, too casual, no shoes to match the outfit, no tights clean that were the correct color. the I try and do my hair and it just won't cooperate. I just put a headband on and thought to myself, this is as good as it gets for today. I finally get out of the door 10 minutes late and notice that my gas light is on so I have to go to the gas station.

Which, I do and wait and wait for the pump to work and then I notice that you have to pre-pay if you are using cash. THIS REALLY MAKEs ME MAD! I mean I know all about drive offs but I feel like they are punishing the people who use cash. I have never driven off without paying and certainly never plan to. So I have to troop in to the store and do all of that.

I finally get on the road and realize that I forgot my lunch on the counter. I doubt it will still be there when I get home because I am sure one the dogs will eat it. Whatever.

Then I get to work and well let us just say that lots of annoying things went on there. TRUST ME! And as I sit here typing I notice that my headbband feels weird so I pull it out of my hair and notice that it has snapped in half. Thank goodness for the hair elastic that I wear around my wrist like a bracelet when it is not in my hair. It is hot in here, my skin is dry and itchy from the heat in this building and I want to go home. So there you have it. One of THOSE days! I hope yours is going better! :-)

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