Here is my public service announcement. I guess it cropped up because I watched the Oscars last night and saw Al Gore and Leonardo Di Caprio talking about how the Oscars had gone green. So, I went on a few websites and gathered some ideas of things you can do right now to help stop Global Warming. I know most people have heard of these but I was really amazed how beneficial doing them would be! There was a long list at I listed the things that I am going try and do this year.
Ways you can help stop Global Warming
Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs. In one year this could save 300 lbs of carbon dioxide and $60. I am switching out my regular light bulbs for these as I buy them. They cost more than incandescent but the benefit truly out weighs the cost to me.
Check to make sure that your tires are adequately inflated. Save 250 lbs of carbon dioxide and $840!
Change your cars air filter. Check it monthly and change when needed. This could save 800 lbs of carbon dioxide and $130 per year. I am going to figure out how to do this! I am not very up on cars.
Make sure that your dishwasher is full before starting it. This would save 100 lbs of carbon dioxide and $40 per year. I already do this. With one person it takes a while to fill it up but I always wait.
Use recycled paper. Save 5 lbs of carbon dioxide per ream AND countless trees!
Adjust your thermostat. Heat down 2 degrees and air conditioning up two degrees in summer. Save 2000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $98 per year. I already do the heat one. The air conditioner will be harder but I will try.
Change your AC filter. Save 350 lbs of carbon dioxide and $150 per year. I change mine monthly.
Buy locally grown/made products. This will reduce the amount of energy required to truck products in!
Plant a tree. Trees suck up carbon dioxide and make clean air for us to breath. Save 2000 lbs of carbon dioxide per year. My spring project is to plant some trees in areas that I had to take some out that were dead or damaged and create a wildlife habitat on the other side of my fence for birds and small mammals.
Unplug un-used electronics. Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy. Save over 1000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $256 a year. I am doing this as soon as I get home. I had no idea that even if something is turned off it can still use energy if plugged in.
Bring cloth bags to stores. I have never done this but I am going to start. I have some string bags that I found in a box and I am going to stick them in my car so I can use them. I read that if you go to IKEA and buy something there and you want a bag they will charge you a nickel for it. That nickel will then be donated to an environmental group. GREAT idea IKEA!
Air dry your clothes. You can save over 700 lbs of carbon dioxide and your clothes will smell great! I am going to do this when it gets a little warmer out.
I have thought about switching to cloth napkins among other things to save on paper products but I am not sure if the increase in laundry would cancel it out? I will have to think about that one.
Do you have tips you can share?