
Blog? What blog?


Well for the 4 of you who read this (ha ha are there that many?)I apologize for the many days of no posts. I have been a busy bee the past few weeks. I have been pet sitting a lot for all of my fuzzy friends and I have yet another hobby...making beaded jewelry. I am really having fun doing it. I have no idea if I am any good but I keep practicing. I have 2.5 bracelets made so far. I have had a couple of people ask me if I will selling them and the thought has crossed my mind. But I need a cute name for my business as well as researching what I need to do about taxes, licenses etc if I do start one. But first I need a name. Any suggestions? I thought of Dog*Ma Beads (get it, Dog Ma as in mom?) but my mom suggested that not everyone would get it; that I am a dog mom. So what else?


Peggy said...

I like Dog*Ma - it's clever. Are you making earrings? Melanie has given me some really neat custom made ones that I love.

MomofK9s said...

Hi! I have not yet but I am starting to practice. when I get better I will send a pair with Melanie!