
Rub a dub dub-2 pups in the tub!

Well, it was bath time for Otto and Bunnie this weekend. Why you ask? Well let me tell you the story.

Saturday was VERY hot-at least 100 degrees so I was very watchful of the dogs going outside. I was checking on them and noticed Otto laying on his side in the yard. This is not normal behavior so I dashed outside to see if he was ok. By the time I got close I noticed he was rolling on the grass so I thought maybe he had an itch. Upon closer inspection, I realized he was rolling ON a dead mole. GROSS! He smelled, well disgusting and I had no idea how I was going to get the smell out. “Dead” is very difficult to get rid of. A few weeks ago I had bought some new dog shampoo. It is Buddy Wash by Cloudstar. I was not sure if this was going to work or not but it was all I had so I had to go with it. I am happy to say that it worked GREAT! No more “dead” smell and it rinsed out easily! I highly recommend it!
You can find it at: https://www9.mailordercentral.com/cloudstar/products.asp?dept=15

I felt slightly bad because they hate baths, but I hate dead smell more!

1 comment:

Char said...

My dogs do that too. I read somewhere that its the wolf in their genes that makes them do it. They roll around in anything foul to mask their own scent from predators. We just use whatever human shampoo we're using at the time. Seems to work fine.