
Otto says Ouch!

Don't Tell Bunnie or Chloe but mommy went to do something and I jumped on her computer. I think she went outside to visit our cat Flounder. Flounder is sort of mean. He likes to tease me a lot by walking right up to the glass door so that I think that I can get him. I forget about the glass door all the time. I need one of those post it note things to remind me. Mommy has post it notes everywhere. Maybe she would write one for me.
Anyway, I had to go to the vet this weekend for a check up. I don't like to go to the vet, although Dr. Brian is super nice to me! He always make sure he has all natural treats for me! What a great guy! But I had to have some tests and that involves needles. Ick! I was a good boy though and mommy gave me a special treat. A great big carrot! I am a lucky boy!
This weekend we also got to try and trap the feral cats so they could be fixed. Bunnie thought mommy was going to let her chase them. I swear Bunnie only thinks about that. B: No I don't. I think about chasing the birds in the bushes too! Oh, and I like 2 chase you all over! O: Yes, I know and it is annoying. C: Absolutely! B: Oh what do you 2 know. You just like to lay on mommy's bed all day. Can you say BORING? C: No but we can say COMFORTABLE! O: Good one Chloe. Well mommy is done outside playing with Flounder the cat. B: One day I am going to chase him. O: OH FORGET IT ALREADY! She loves him and she won't let you!
Mommy: I love all of you, now get off the couch and away from my laptop. You are getting fur all over it!

1 comment:

Catz said...

That dog is just too cute for words. Miss Lucy says hi! and says she doesn't like the vet either, but she will have to so soon too!