

That is not a bad sigh, it is a tired one. I just got done with a busy week. Pretty much a 14 hour work day for the past 7 days straight. I have been pet sitting and with a full time job, it is a lot of work. I get a lot of "I just don't know how you do it". Honestly, I don't either sometimes (especially yesterday when it was 90 degrees and I just locked my car keys in the car because I was so tired I wasn't thinking, and my dad had to come rescue me). But, I know WHY I do it, and I guess for me that is the most important part and gets me through the tired bits. And to be honest, I love it. I love getting to love on all the dogs and a few cats and know that their people are on vacation and not worrying about them. Because I can't do that. When I was married, I had no problem going off on a day trip with a friend or an overnight because I knew there was someone home with my guys all the time. Of course I still called and checked up that Otto got his medicine and they were happy, but other than that, I was good. Now, I worry constantly. My dad is the one who cares for them if I have to be gone for long periods of time and he is great with them. Not only that but they LOVE him. So really there is nothing to worry about. As time goes on, I will get better. At least I hope I will.

1 comment:

Catz said...

Hey you know you really do a good thing. I don't know where I would be without my dog walker.