
Adventures in Lawn Mowing

I think a few posts in regards to lawn mowing are way over due! Why? Well, because I want to! And it is my blog.

Let me give you all a little background.

1. I mow my lawn every week. Even when I was married (to...well let us call him Mr. Lazy for this post), I was the one out in 100 degree heat cutting the grass with help from my dad (good ole' dad. The man is an absolute gem).

2. I have a biggish yard (.75 acres)

3. I have become very particular about pattern in the back yard. No idea why. I mean who cares as long as it is short right? Wrong!

4. I THINK I have a mixture of St. Augustine and Bermuda grass. Oh with Wild Onions (the bane of my existence) and weeds. This means when it is hot outside and wet it THRIVES.

So, Thursday was the night I was mowing this week. Now let me mention that I had just mowed the back yard on Sunday and the lawn was LONG.. So the first course of action is to jump on my tractor/riding mower. An orange Husqvarna. Please reference picture above and then imagine one faded orange and that doesn't always start or just stops in the middle of the yard, and you will have mine. It's name? The Beast of course!

Funny aside here-There is this great couple that lives next door to me and the menagerie. They are funny, friendly and always willing to chat when outside on the porch. Great, down to earth, country people who like animals. LOVE THE NEIGHBORS. Anyway, one night I had just finished and was talking over the fence To Lady Neighbor and Guy Neighbor started singing "She Thinks My Tractors' Sexy-by Kenny Chesney only with "he". This cracked me up and now every time I start the tractor up, I think about that and laugh my ass off. Because seriously, there is nothing less sexy than me on my tractor. Ok, maybe you can think of something but you get my point.)

There isn't much to do when you are sitting on the tractor except try not to hit the fence, propane tank, shed etc and keep your mowing lines either in a diagonal (my personal favorite), picture frame or straight up and down. Why so many designs you ask? Because you are never supposed to cut your grass the same direction every time. You gotta change it up! And no,I don't know why. Google it! Oh, and try not to let anything touch you (bugs, grass, limbs hanging from trees) especially the poison ivy growing over the fence that you are extremely allergic to and dad has not killed yet. So, I listen to my MP3 player,sing really loud and with feeling because no one can hear me over the "beast" (At least I don't think so. Oh that would be embarrassing!) and think about stuff. And that is what the next post will be about...

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