I don’t post very much on here about my religious or political beliefs. Not because I don’t have them, or feel strongly about them, but because I don’t always feel like going down that seriously heavy road. The whole intent and purpose of my blog (for me) is to write about things that I am thinking about, and I try to make them fun, upbeat things so I write about my hobbies, the antics of my dogs and nieces, things I like, things I don’t, but the main thing I try to do is entertain. Yes, even if the only people who read this are me and my sister-in-law. I write this blog for me. But for the most part, I am off the soap box because I am not always comfortable up on it. It isn’t that I don’t have strong feelings, I just don’t find it necessary to push those feelings and beliefs on others. And of course no one is forced to read my blog but I think you get where I am coming from. I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable. In addition, and this is a bit ridiculous but true none the less, when people say mean things about something I like or believe in (and I don’t mean disagree with what I think, I mean really nasty things) it hurts my heart. Am I over sensitive? Maybe but what it wrong with being nice? So I am breaking my tradition and saying a few words about me.
1. I am a Democrat
2. I am a Catholic
And I am proud of it. And those 2 do not always go together. And trust me, I struggle with that during election times. I am of the mind that you need to vote for the person that MOST CLOSELY fits what you believe because you will never find anyone who fits it perfectly, well, unless you are voting for yourself.
I have read lots of very negative stuff about Senator Obama, Senator Biden and Democrats in general and you know what? I am sick and tired of it. Seriously. I am so done with all the negativity and that is why I don’t jump in to the fray. It simply pisses me off. And I don’t like to feel that way. Trust me, I have enough to be pissed off about without being mad that someone, who doesn't even know me, thinks I am a bleeding heart liberal and stupid because I believe that global warming is real, wolves and polar bears should be considered endangered species, and that the country needs a new direction. I don’t go around saying I think it was a bit heartless that when John McCain returned home from being a POW and found his wife had been disfigured and crippled in a terrible accident, he then had an affair and left her for his current rich, beauty queen wife who at one time was addicted to pain killers that she stole from her own medical charity. Oh, I guess I just did. Well, let me get back up on the high road…it may take a minute. It will be a long climb.
I don’t dislike John McCain personally. I mean I don’t know him. I don’t dislike his VP pick, Gov. Palin. Don’t know her either. But I don’t like what they stand for. Gov. Palin is so proud to be a member of the NRA and her hobbies which include hunting and fishing. Hey, good for you. Not so much for the wolves of Alaska since she had the chance to stop the aerial hunting of wolves and didn't. I mean it is so fun (not to mention sportsman-like) to chase a wolf (minding it’s own wolf business) in a helicopter until it is completely exhausted and can’t run anymore and then shoot it. FOR NOTHING. Not to eat, not because it was bothering your livestock, not even for it’s coat. Only because you think it is fun to kill something. And her strong political background? A MAYOR of a town with barely 7,000 people and then Governor of a Alaska for 2 years? I also find it amusing that according to the Republicans, the liberal media has no right to question anything about her children, they are completely off limits (which I agree with) BUT she parades them around at every opportunity, including her pregnant daughter. If I were Bristol I would be embarrassed. Not because I was 17 and pregnant, but because my mom thought it was ok to sit my boyfriend and I together so we could hold hands and play the part of the happy couple for a photo op. I mean having a baby is stress enough. To have to do it in front of millions of people is frightening. And I think it is great that she is a mother of 5 and that her son is in the army, but honestly, what does that have to do with being the next in line as President should the Republicans win and something happens to John McCain? Seriously that scares the crap out of me. And do they think that the women in this country are dumb enough to simply vote for the ticket because she is a woman? I hope not. If you feel like McCain/Palin are best for the job because you agree with their policies, that is great. YOu should vote for them. But don't think that I (a woman) will over look everything thing else and vote for them because Gov. Palin could be the first woman Vice President. My mom taught me better than that. Oh, there I go falling off the high road again. I guess it is easy to do. I guess that is why the McCain camp is so good at it. It’s easy. Just like following President Bush’s current agenda for the next 4 years if elected.
And what I just did above completely proves my point. It is easy to say the mean stuff and make ourselves feel better. It is easy to get all worked up and say hurtful things because you feel like you are right. It is easy to feel superior because your way is the right way, the only way, or so you think. Well friends, that is what makes us Americans. We have the freedom in this country to believe what we want, and to a large degree to say what we want. But as for me, I will vote for who I believe in, and I will try and keep my mean thoughts and ideas to my self. Because we all have them, it is what we choose to do with them that matters.
Very nicely said. :)
I think it's very interesting that some pundits are saying that if Obama loses this election, it's because he's not being negative enough -- in other words, because he's not running the same kind of campaign McCain is. That speaks volumes about Obama (classy), McCain (not), and the American public (sad). Obama talks about issues, McCain compares him to Paris Hilton. Hm. Even if I knew nothing else about the two candidates, I'd vote for Obama on that basis alone.
I really enjoyed your comments, all were right on target and correct.
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